Bulkhead connectors are die cast aluminum fittings that effectively eliminate the need for any welding to accomplish a “through the wall” connection between compressed air piping and the blow tube. Utilizing a compression fit on each side of the wall, they provide the easiest assembly and disassembly. We believe any analysis of installed cost or ease of use will favor your consideration vs. alternative fitments.
All Royal United Bulkheads are made of the highest quality Die Cast Aluminum and available with these options:

PD Series
For top load collectors, installed through dust collector wall, gasketed in place, and secured with a retaining ring.

PS Series
For bottom load collectors, utilized with one-piece blow tube, eliminates welding.

Component Parts:
- Compression Nut
- Retainer Ring
- Conical Seal
- Lock Nut
- Flat Seal Gasket
- Body/Nut
Standard gaskets- NBR for Max 212 F
Also available in High Temperature Silicone up to 392 F